Nowe prefiksy => 4YA-4YZ oraz C7A-C7Z |
SP6NIC Jak najbardziej tak - z logicznie oczywistego punktu widzenia prefixem jest SQ8 a sufiksem OQE. Ale przepisy określają to jednak inaczej. Co więcej: w znaku okolicznosciowym (np SN2014ALAMAKOTA) prefiksem jest SN a numerem rozdzielajacym tylko cyfra 2; 014ALAMAKOTA To sufix. Wynika to wprost z regulacji ITU: Amateur and experimental stations 19.68 § 30 1) – one character (provided that it is the letter B, F, G, I, K, M, N, R or W) and a single digit (other than 0 or 1), followed by a group of not more than four characters, the last of which shall be a letter, or – two characters and a single digit (other than 0 or 1), followed by a group of not more than four characters, the last of which shall be a letter. (WRC-03) 19.68A 1A) On special occasions, for temporary use, administrations may authorize use of call signs with more than the four characters referred to in No. 19.68. (WRC-03) 19.68.1 In the case of half series (i.e. when the first two characters are allocated to more than one Member State), the first three characters are required for nationality identification. In such cases, the call sign shall consist of three characters followed by a single digit and a group of not more than three characters, the last of which shall be a letter. (WRC-07) 19.69 2) However, the prohibition of the use of the digits 0 and 1 does not apply to amateur stations. pozdr |