N1MM - katalog z logami |
przeniesienie pliku bazy i trn od zawodów to trochę za mało - są jeszcze pliki konfiguracyjne w których zawarte są informacje o danych z bazy. Najbezpieczniej więc zrobić to tak, jak twórcy n1mm zalecają (cyt. z instrukcji pdf) The easiest and best approach is: 1. Copy your entire N1MM install directory (where ham.mdb is) and subdirectories to C:\N1MM Logger, or any directory other than Program Files or Program Fkles(x86) on your new machine. This will make sure that your old logs and settings are all carried forward, and that you do not lose any needed files in the transition. If you're thinking about putting the new installation in Program Files, please read this discussion first. 2. If you have not yet done so, run the current Full Installer, and use the directory you chose above - the default is C:\N1MM Logger - as the install directory. 3. Install the latest update, which can be found here, in the same directory. 4.Rename the old N1MM Logger.ini file (to N1MMLogger.old, for example). This will cause the program to create a new, almost-empty .ini file. 5. Once these steps are completed, run N1MM Logger.exe. The program will create a new .ini file. Then rebuild your configuration. pozdr |