ICE/ISEE-3 - Wraca na ziemię ale NASA liczy na Radioamatorów :)
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James Harvard: 02/07/2014 07:03 CST

Speaking as someone with near-zero relevant experience I can well believe that recreating hardware designed and built in the mid-1970s to communicate with this spacecraft would indeed be an implausibly hard project for a big - dare I say bureaucratic? - organisation like NASA. *However*, I would also believe that a communications system that once required racks full of hand-built electronics could now be emulated in software on a $300 laptop. OK, now people would have to hand-build the code instead, but as other have said there would doubtless be lots of enthusiastic volunteers for that, as well as the rather important step of rigging up the result to an antenna and pointing it all in the right direction.

Could the specifications be obtained by a freedom of information request?

However, perhaps there's a security consideration in open-sourcing the problem. Is there a risk that someone could try to 'hack' the craft and do something destructive?

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Edgar J. Kaiser: 02/21/2014 11:38 CST

I got a couple of inquiries for ISEE-3/ICE ephemerides which I could respond to with respective data. As of today the probe has been added to JPLs HORIZONS system ( ). This is of course much more versatile than my conversion from TIPSOD. Pointing agreement is excellent, deviations between converted TIPSOD and HORIZONS being better than 0.005 degrees.
Thanks again Emily for pointing me to TIPSOD! Of course I have tried to detect ISEE-3s carrier, but no success so far. 45 mio km is likely too far for my small antenna, I will have to wait until it is closer.

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