4U0WFP jakie to entity? |
W programach logujacych często występuja podobne błędy. Jest tam to co ich autor wpisał do bazy. Np K9W kazdy program identyfikuje jako USA a nie KH9, podobnie K5K to KH5 i trzeba ręcznie w programie poprawić. Wg mnie to Włochy 4U0WFP is the amateur radio station located at the World Food Programme Headquarters in Rome, Italy. Tu masz info o podobnych znakach z prefiksem 4U http://www.eham.net/articles/23104 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tego fragmentu While 4U1UN and 4U1ITU count for credit toward the ARRL's DXCC award, 4U1WB and 4U1VIC do not. The DXCC rules define 4U1WB and 4U1VIC as "ineligible areas." These areas are classified as "extraterritorial legal entit[ies] of any nature, including, but not limited to, embassies, consulates, monuments, offices of the United Nations agencies or related organizations, other inter-governmental organizations or diplomatic missions." This rule also clarifies that these two stations are considered part of their "host entity" for DXCC purposes. This makes 4U1WB part of the US and 4U1VIC part of Austria for DXCC purposes. Podobnie jest w przypadku 4U0WFP - dla DXCC to Italia. |