Program do obliczania charakterystyki anteny

*.csv – current file
This is a text file recording the currents and their phases relating to the pulse number and coordinates. The file is in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format, and can be imported and read using a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.
Each row consists of the following parameters. Wire number, Pulse number, X, Y, X, Current (real), Current (imaginary), Current (absolute), phase. Units are:

X, Y, Z metre
Current Ampere
Phase degree

*.csv – Near field data file
This is a text file (CSV format) recording the electromagnetic force in the near field. Each row has the following parameters: X, Y, Z, Vector, Electric force (real), Electric force (imaginary), Electric force (absolute), phase. Units are:
X, Y, Z metre
Electric force
Magnetic force AT/m
Phase degree

*.csv – Far field data file
A text file (CSV format) recording the absolute gain with respect to the azimuth and zenith. Each row consists of the following parameters: Zenith, Azimuth, Vertical polarization, Horizontal polarization, V+H. Units of them are:
Azimuth, Zenith degree
Gain dBi
*.csv – Frequency characteristics data file
A text file (CSV format) recording the R, jX, SWR, Ga, and F/B.

A z tłumaczeniem do Andrzeja SP5MNJ