IC 736 pozorne qrm na czestotliwości odbioru
Na eham.net K7LN napisał na temat IC-736:

"This is a great radio for all the reasons that have been mentioned. However, mine had a problem with the built-in switching power supply oscillators beating against each other causing drifting birdies all over the bands.

I wrote an article about the problem in the April 2001 issue of QST. A few other hams responded with the same complaints. Icom never did offer any help and knew nothing of the situation. The power supply is unusual in that it generates 24 volts for the TX side of things. The 24 volts is then used to generate 12 volts that supplies RX and probably low level TX. It wouldn't be an easy or convient thing to use an external DC supply for the rig.

Since 6 meters wasn't used in my area, I went for a nice 738 instead."