Working from Poland and erecting an antenna on the roof of block of flats (in english).
Koledzy, bardzo proszę pozostańmy tylko przy głównym temacie tego wątku.
W żaden sposób nie dotyczy on ani SP1AP ani SQ9OUK więc obaj nie musicie wnikać w szczegóły. TNX.

Hi Chav,
Once you have the CEPT license in hand, please get in touch with the UKE Office (Urząd Komunikacji Elektronicznej) in Wrocław and apply for the polish license.

Delegatura UKE we Wrocławiu
Adres: 50-449 Wrocław, ul. Romualda Traugutta 1/7
Tel. 71 348 86 50
Fax 71-348-86-76

Also more info on the UKE web page in Enlish:

Prior to the license application You should meet the Domus management and deal with them to get permission to operate from your appartment and errect an antenna on the roof.
With the valid LZ + CEPT license you will be able to prove, that your activity is legal. All depends on your negotiating ability.
Usually those people know nothing about the ham radio. They worry about the possible damage to the roof only.
Remember, the final decision is at the discretion of property owners/ managers and you rent an apartment only.

Besides, please consider a visit to the Field Division of PZK (Polish Radio Amateur Union) in Wrocław to meet the local ham society.
Here, on this forum you may check another thread to look for hams from Wrocław.
Enjoy your stay in Wrocław, 73!