Jurek SP3S No to jeszcze doleję oliwy do ognia, lub podam więcej wody na Twój młyn. fragment z regulaminu: http://www.cqww.com/rules.htm ...XI. CLUB COMPETITION: 1. The club must be a local group and not a national organization. 2. Participation is limited to club members living within a local geographic area defined as within a 275 km radius from the center of club area (except for DXpeditions conducted by members living within the defined club geographic area). Club contributions from DXpedition scores are a percentage of the number of club members on the DXpedition. 3. To be listed, a minimum of three logs (combined phone and CW) must be received from a club, and an officer of the club must submit a list of eligible members for each contest.... ...nie doczytałeś, albo źle doczytałeś... Andrzej |