APRS w paśmie 70cm
na jakiej częstotliwości
UHF Networks
Europe / Africa (IARU region 1):
Primary 433.800 MHz (heavy ISM interference in many countries)
Secondary 432.500 MHz since 2008 where ISM is too bad on 433.800 (CT08_C5_Rec32)
Australia (VK): 439.100 MHz 1200 baud (in selected areas)
Netherlands (PA): 430.5125 MHz 1200 baud
Puget Sound, WA: 440.800 MHz 9600 baud
Kansas / Missouri: 446.175 MHz 1200 baud (primary, with infrastructure)
Kansas / Missouri: 441.175 MHz 1200 baud (secondary / special event, no infrastructure)
US Nationwide Proposed: 445.925 (proposed by Bob WB4APR)
New Zealand (ZL): 432.575 MHz 1200 baud allocated but little usage

Źródło: http://info.aprs.net/index.php?title=Frequencies

Bandplan 70cm:

433,8000 to APRS (n)
432,5000 to Alternatywna częstotliwość APRS
gdzie (n) Dotyczy tylko w przypadku, gdy 144.800 MHz nie może być użyte (Davos 2005).
