Yaesu ft-1000D data produkcji.
Wracając do daty produkcji :

> Jim,
> The structure of the serial number is like yMppssss, where y is
> the last digit of the year, M is a letter for the month,
> starting with C for January, pp is the number of the production
> lot and ssss is the serial number within the production lot.
> A radio with the serial number 0H070123, for example, was
> produced in 1990 in the month of June and belonged to production
> lot number 07. There is an ambiguity, since a 9 for the year can
> stand for both 1989 and 1999, a 0 for both 1990 and 2000 etc.,
> but for the later productions the production lot number (pp)
> will typically be around 60 or higher
> 73,
> Kjell, PB3SM - SM6CPI"